Video Captions and Translations for the MediaGoblin Campaign

MediaGoblin Campaign Video: captioned

The best part of working on MediaGoblin for me is working with our amazing community. I'm regularly impressed by the kind things that people do and the kind of energy we have in the project. That's usually visible most on the main MediaGoblin project's codebase, but there are other ways that this becomes clear too.

Anyway, that's all to lead into the real topic of this post: we now have captions on the MediaGoblin campaign video! The work on this was done by Laura Arjona, who volunteered to do the work after I sent out a request to the mailing list for help. But Laura not only added English subtitles...

MediaGoblin Campaign Video: captioned into Spanish!

She added Spanish translations as well! All super cool. So let's give a big thanks to Laura for this awesome work!

But maybe you want to translate MediaGoblin's video into your own language! If you're interested in translating, you can look at the example English and Spanish files. You can email press AT mediagoblin DOT org and send me the file, or join our community and contribute in the usual ways. (You can even send us a patch... this website is easy to get up and running!)

Thanks to our friends over at Pitivi who gave pointers on setting up captions and suggested setting up the thing in the first place. Did I mention that they, too, are running a fundraiser? They're good friends of ours in the Python + GStreamer + libre graphics space, so check them out if you haven't already!

Thanks again to Laura for the great work! And if you haven't checked out the campaign page please do so... and please donate and spread the word. Everything you do helps!

goblin force badge for campaign